August 1997

Alan Probst was associated with Moving Man Inc. for 15 years as our lead salesman/estimator. I personally have worked with Alan at Moving Man since 1987. I feel it was a great loss to the company when Alan left to pursue other interests. While we may have filled his position, we have yet to replace his customer dedication, commitment to excellence, and company loyalty. I don't believe we will find a person of his caliber.

This company has built a solid customer base and reputation in large part due to Alan's efforts. With the understanding that information and communication create the foundation for a quality move and a satisfied customer, he consistently took pains to inform customers of their rights and responsibilities and to elicit thorough information from them. In turn he strove to clearly communicate to the foreman and crews the details of jobs, preparing them for any eventuality. Due to this attention to detail Alan developed a system of estimating moving jobs that I believe to be unparalleled in accuracy. In addition to developing his system, he generously shared his knowledge by training new estimators and encouraging excellence throughout the company.

I can with all candor and veracity say that Alan is sorely missed here at Moving Man Inc. I can also report that repeat customers, whose accounts he handled in the past, have expressed their regrets about not being able to work with him.

I hope this letter is helpful in evaluating Alan for possible employment. If I can be of further assistance please don't hesitate to contact me.


Neil Schettler
Office Manager
